Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Tuesday was a fabulous day! It was a day spent with my sister-in-law, we shopped at craft stores, ate lunch and had the best smoothies EVER!!! Although I wish we wouldn't have had McDonalds for lunch...yes we ate fast food. It happens even to the best of us me, sometimes. My stomach was upset all night long and part of yesterday. So although I caved, I am now even more resolute to not eat fast food. Yuck!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


PS: Don't forget to enter to win a 3 month Bow of the Month membership HERE.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Menu Planning

It's Monday and I am armed with a cup of coffee and a head full of ideas...better watch out!!! It's time to go grocery shopping again, ugh! It's not one of my favorite tasks to get done, but it is a very necessary one...much like doing the dishes and the laundry. One of the reasons it drives me crazy is because I go up and down every aisle and get what I think we'll need over the next two weeks and I often have to go back and get the other ingredients needed for our meals. To make the trip less crazy it's time to menu plan. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Six Word Saturday (3-24-12)

What would I do without coffee?


Don't forget to enter to win a 3 month membership to Chic Bowtique's Bow of the Month Club!!! You can enter to win HERE!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Friday Five (3-23-12)

Happy Friday all! Are you as ready for the weekend as I am? Let's kick it off with a new Friday Five!!

Fashion ~ Would you wear these?
They gave me a chuckle...but you won't find me in these!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fishin' In the Creek

Happy Thursday all!!! We have a creek that runs behind our house...a creek full of fish! Delicious! I enjoy eating seafood, and our whole family does as well!!! FFF Hubby and kiddos have been out almost every day catching trout left and right! It seems like as soon as they go out it's only a matter of 5 minutes or less and they're back in with their catch!!! 

18" Trout caught by Sassy Sis and FFF Hubby (this guy was floppin' all over still)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chic Bowtique Review & Giveaway

Most of you know that I'm getting pretty good at being a domestic goddess. (Just go along with my delusions, mkay?!) I've become quite the cook and I love crafting. I have one (okay maybe more) downfall to this domestic thing...bows are not my thing...I mean making them! I'm too much of a perfectionist and everything has to be exactly the same when it comes to making bows. (OK, in my head it does!) This poses a problem for someone with a small very large bow addiction. I love doing my girls' hair and adorning there 'dos with bows. Even my sisters and friends with girls know how I feel about bows because I always say "a girl shouldn't have naked hair" and carry around extra bows! So what's a gal to do if she can't make them? I have found the perfect solution!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Stealing: The Her Head is Part Missing Meme

Cheers to all us thieves!

1. What is your most annoying habit?Wanting everything to be perfect

2. What habit would you change of your partners? (come on no-one is perfect!) Cursing :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Friday Five (3-15-12)

Happy Friday!!!! So glad another week's coming to an end, aren't you? It's time again for another Friday Five!!!! Here we go!!

Fashion ~ Would you put this on your new lil' one?


We had a fiesta at Le Casa de Fast Food Free last night! It was a lot of fun and the food was delicious. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I did a fabulous job for my first all Mexican meal. It turned out pretty good! Everything was made from scratch! Our menu was:
  • Carne Asada
  • Mexican Rice
  • Tortillas
  • Refried Beans
Yes, I said made from scratch! All of it! By me!!!! Yep! You heard right!  And the whole dinner was 600 calories!!!! Woo-hoo! Delicious, healthy and filling!!! I bet you want the recipes. Well, don't you?! I thought so! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Trying New Things's what's for dinner! Well technically Carne Asada complete with homemade tortillas and homemade Mexican rice, but carne asada is beef! I'm trying another new recipe tonight. The carne asada recipe I'm going to make is a healthy, simple version. Although the tortilla and rice recipes are tried and true ones passed down to me from my mother in law. There is nothing better than a hot, fresh tortilla with some butter spread on it! Delicious! I I can't wait to review this and give you pictures! We love Mexican food around here. I always have to separate it before adding spices because I don't like spicy food but everyone else in our house, including Lil' Miss, enjoys it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Oven Fried Chicken Review

It's Monday!!! OK so more like it's Monday...again. I'm not ready for another week, are you? This year is just flying by way to fast...seriously, it's almost mid March!? I did promise y'all a full review on the Oven Fried Chicken Recipe I shared with you on Thursday. Well Saturday we went up to my in-laws house and I made the chicken for them. So you even get more reviews than you usually get!!!! Aren't you just lucky?! Well of course you are, silly!!!! Also the picture is on my phone and I don't have cell service up here so I will be adding that later.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Stealing: The Not My Year Meme

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Are you in a job that you truly enjoy? Yes!

2. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
Exactly what I do now!

3. If you could be a character in a novel who would you be? Esther Summerson from Bleak House by Charles Dickens. I admire her great courage and quality of character - her kindness and her ability to become friends with just about anyone just because she is open to serving others.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Diabetic Friendly Oven Fried Chicken

Happy, late, Thursday! It was a long night. On my quest to find a delicious, healthy alternative to fried chicken (my favorite)! I have come across a winner....I think! I found the recipe while skimming the Internet, and it's diabetic friendly and only 267 calories a serving, so I can make a 500 calorie dinner with this!!! The picture and recipe are courtesy of Diabetic Living. Really, you can find delicious, healthy recipes ANYWHERE!!!

Here's the recipe...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 March!?

I hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday!!! Happy Birthday to my daddy! daddy! I get away calling him that because I'm a girl....not any girl but the youngest in our even at the ripe ol' age of 31 he is my daddy! Can you tell I'm a daddy's girl? We are all going out to dinner to celebrate and he picked Izzy's Pizza! It's always been his favorite place.
Now onto other things...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Manic Monday & Baked Chicken

Howdy, folks! We're coming off a long weekend with Moose. He had mid winter break and spent time with his Grammy and Auntie Am this weekend. He's to big to call his aunts Aunties....or so he just Aunt Am and Uncle Jake and cousins. Anyways it makes this a manic morning around here. He enjoyed the long break and wasn't ready to get back to the swing of things. He got all ready for school and then curled up on the couch...silly kid. The girls were up early and full of energy and I forgot to make coffee....but not to worry! I'm on my first cup now. What a crazy Monday morning 'round here! 

Now on to figure out what's for dinner tonight.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Stealing: The Eve Was Framed Meme

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Why is your favorite color your favorite? I love cobalt blue! It reminds me of the Ocean and is so beautiful!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Friday Five (3-2-12)

Welcome to The Friday Five!!! Let's get the weekend started off right!Remember to leave a comment about one or all of the five!

FASHION ~ Would you decorate your baby's room with skulls?
I've seen a lot of baby stuff lately with Jolly Rogers all over all colors. It's not something I could do...skulls and new babies just don't mix in my book.
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