Welcome to our first Sunday Stealing post. Click the link below to find out more information. Basically we get a list of questions from the blog link below and answer them. Then you leave me a comment answering one of the questions!
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. Where are you from and where do you live now? I was born in Lawton, Oklahoma but grew up mostly in Washington. Currently living in Longview!
2. Favorite childhood story/book/film? I loved reading "The Little House on the Prairie" series! Can't wait until my girls are old enough to enjoy it!
1. Where are you from and where do you live now? I was born in Lawton, Oklahoma but grew up mostly in Washington. Currently living in Longview!
2. Favorite childhood story/book/film? I loved reading "The Little House on the Prairie" series! Can't wait until my girls are old enough to enjoy it!
3. If you could change gender for a day what would you do? The first thing I would do is pee standing up! No joke :)
4. Do you feel you family is complete or would you like more/some children? I would love more children but our family is complete just the way it is. We are looking into becoming foster parents, though.
5. What do you do/Where do you work and do you enjoy it? I'm the Christian Education Director at our church. I love it! It allows me to be able to stay home with our kids and gives me another outlet for creativity. Where else can you dance in a tutu and get a pie in the face for work and it be considered normal? (PICTURES HERE)
6. Which three words do you think sum you up? Happy, Blessed, Content
7. If you were a fairy what magical powers would you possess? The power to have it snow and be warm at the same time!
8. If you were invisible, where would you go and what would you do? Why? Sleep, go potty, and eat all without a child present! I wouldn't be getting pushed of my bed all night. I would be able to go potty without a certain 2 year old standing there asking if I need toilet paper. I would be able to eat without a child eating my food instead of theirs even though it's the same thing! :)
9. What song can’t you listen to without crying? Rod Stewart's Forever Young. I love you mom!
10. Which book changed your life – or at least made you think a lot? The Complete Short Stories by Edgar Allen Poe. Short and punchy, his macabre tales pack a visual whollop that modern longer stories lack. He can create mood and tone in less than a page.
4. Do you feel you family is complete or would you like more/some children? I would love more children but our family is complete just the way it is. We are looking into becoming foster parents, though.
5. What do you do/Where do you work and do you enjoy it? I'm the Christian Education Director at our church. I love it! It allows me to be able to stay home with our kids and gives me another outlet for creativity. Where else can you dance in a tutu and get a pie in the face for work and it be considered normal? (PICTURES HERE)
6. Which three words do you think sum you up? Happy, Blessed, Content
7. If you were a fairy what magical powers would you possess? The power to have it snow and be warm at the same time!
8. If you were invisible, where would you go and what would you do? Why? Sleep, go potty, and eat all without a child present! I wouldn't be getting pushed of my bed all night. I would be able to go potty without a certain 2 year old standing there asking if I need toilet paper. I would be able to eat without a child eating my food instead of theirs even though it's the same thing! :)
9. What song can’t you listen to without crying? Rod Stewart's Forever Young. I love you mom!
10. Which book changed your life – or at least made you think a lot? The Complete Short Stories by Edgar Allen Poe. Short and punchy, his macabre tales pack a visual whollop that modern longer stories lack. He can create mood and tone in less than a page.
11. Why do you blog? I enjoy writing, always have. I started because of a challenge by Stacey over at I'm a Lazy Mom. She challenged readers to go a month without Fast Food and that was the beginning of our Fast Food Free life!
12. What is your top ‘me-time’ tip? Make sure FFF Hubby is home and turn up the music and enjoy a candle lit bubble bath...Really just make sure someone else is there with the kids. I can't relax even when the kids are asleep unless FFF Hubby is home.
13. What can’t you live without? Coffee or my mommy! Seriously though I feel lost if I don't talk to my mom every day!
14. Which of all your blog posts are you most proud of and why? My very first one! I'd wanted to blog for awhile and finally took the leap! Not Another Blog
15. Have you ever met a famous person? Who and where? Yes. Kid Rock. In Kuwait when I was deployed. No fun story...it was a short meet and greet.
16. When did you last have a full nights sleep? I honestly can't remember, between kids and PTSD sleeping is very elusive :)
17. What would you think is harder: Going to work or staying at home with children? I've done both and honestly I think they both have challenges. I have a lot more fun staying home though and I really didn't like leaving my kids...so for me it would be going to work.
18. What are you doing for Easter? Egg hunts, Egg coloring, Church, not sure besides that. We don't really decide until closer to the day. Especially with FFF Hubby's work schedule.
19. What is your favorite drink? Coffe, Coca-Cola, and wine :)
20. Do you play any sports? Haha!!! No way! FFF Hubby had to show me how to hold a bat last year when we were buying one for Moose!!
21. What is your most embarrassing moment? Not sure that I have one specific moment. But I am known to run into doors often...
22. How clever are you? According to the "How Clever Are You" test I am clever but could use a little fine tuning!
23. Name a new favorite TV show? FFF Hubby and I have just started watching "Lost" from the beginning and it's pretty good.
24. Any guilty pleasures? Chips before bed. Every night.
25. If you could have chosen your own name, what would it be? I like my name now...although growing up I wasn't to fond of it and probably would have changed it to She-Ra...good thing my mom didn't let me!
26. Who do you most admire in life, and why? My dad. Technically he's my step-dad but you'll never hear me call him that! He is truly one of the worlds greatest men. He worked his tail off and did anything he had to for us when we were growing up. He didn't have to stay around, he chose to. He chose to be a father to me and my siblings despite what people said. He made the choice every day to stay and to do whatever was needed to provide for us. He is everything a father should be and more! I am the luckiest girl alive to have been raised by such a wonderful man.
27. What is your most treasured possession?
I've been through enough in life to understand that most possessions are temporary and fleeting...Physical possession - Pictures because they allow me to look back and
reflect on times past, people I love, people who have crossed my path in
life, and memories...Other- my sense of optimism and belief in possibilities, because without it, I would have given up on life long ago.
28. Tell your favorite funny joke… I am not a joke teller...even in blogging...jokes just don't work for me...I am joke challenged!
29. What is your biggest fear in life? My kids dying before me...not sure I'd ever recover if something we to ever happen to them.
30. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? What does it remind you of? I love any ice cream that tastes like coffee!!! It reminds me of coffee :)
Now it's your turn. Leave a comment answering one of this weeks questions. If you blog you can play along here.
1 comment:
I took the "How Clever Are You?" Test.... It said that it would call me sherlock but, I would probably come up with a clever response to out-smart them LOL :)
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