I know, I know...someone else started a blog. Really, like we don't have enough of these floating all over cyberspace! But really this one is different, and will be filled with content that you don't find in other blogs. Yeah, I know you've heard that before, right? Well have you ever read a blog about how to live in the hustle and bustle of today WITHOUT the convience of fast food? See, I told you, different! You will get to start this journey with me! Starting October 1st, 2011 my family will be fast food free! I will share with you the good, bad & ugly as well as tips and recipes! And this blog wouldn't be complete without lil' anecdotes about this lil' world around me, okay fine...without giveaways! Before we continue though you're probably asking "who are you, who is the face behind the blog?" Well let me introduce myself!
Hi! I'm Becky, a 31 year old mother to 3 of the worlds greatest children and wife to 1 amazing man. I am mostly a SAHM (stay at home mom for those internet newbies reading this), my husband works hard to make this possible. Wait I said mostly so stay with me and hear read the rest. I also work at our church as the Education Director. I am blessed to have a job that I can do mostly from home, and when I do need to be at the church I can bring the kiddos along! We are a VERY patriotic family as my husband & I are both US Army Veterans. It's nice to meet you. Oh-wait, a picture you say...well here I am with red hair (that changes often too)!!
And here are pictures of the other members that are willingly and lovingly putting up with this crazy idea of mine!
Hmmm...seems we need more pics with hubby in them!
Lil' Miss, Sassy sis, and Bubba
So there you have it! Also a big thanks goes to Lazy Mom over at www.imalazymom.com for giving me the idea for the basis of the blog I've always wanted to start! I also encourage you to leave comments here as well as e-mail me (footloosefastfoodfree@hotmail.com) with your tips and ideas and you may be featered in a post! I will be starting a facebook and twitter for y'all in the near future too! Thanks for joining me on this journey! I look forward to getting to know you, my readers!
PS~Be sure to check in tomorrow for a challenge!
PSS~This is my birthday present to myself! Yes, Happy Birthday to me!!